In our days, people can develop a strong emotional bond to their vehicles. It is either the love for a newly bought car, a new e-bike, or a scooter for which one has used her savings. That is why simHERO assures that this bond is long lasting and that your vehicle is always protected.
Worse comes to worst – realizing that your vehicle got stolen is terrifying. One essential part of investigations is the tracking down of its current location. How disappointing would it be if tracking is not possible due to the vehicle leaving the local borders? By providing simHERO’s globally available connectivity, we keep track of your matter of heart regardless of any national frontiers.
We understand the necessity of tracking your vehicle to its location and to its movement. For real-time tracking, a seamless connectivity service is mandatory. With simHERO, we increase the chances by providing access to our multi-network. It does not matter if your vehicle is located in an area with a weak signal from one network as we do not rely on only one but multiple networks to keep your tracker connected.
A major issue for tracking devices in general has always been the battery lifetime. As a result, many tracking manufacturers are using new mobile technologies such as LTE CAT M1 which not only connects your tracker, but also increases the overall usage/battery time. Obviously, if there is no energy, there is no tracking. And therefore, simHERO is making a lot of efforts to provide this new technology in as much networks as possible.
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